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    4. Gri Instrument Gri Instrument
      Gri Instrument Gas detector Excellent Manufacturer

      GRI-IAT Air Quality Monitoring Equipment for PM 2.5 PM 10 CO SO2 NO2 O3 VOC gas system detector AQM

      GRI-IAT can be used in a variety of environments, industrial production environment monitoring, tunnel traffic environment monitoring, and urbanenvironmental monitoring. The atmospheric environmental data monitoring and analysis system can improve the processing and management of air pollution monit...

      GRI-IATQ Air Quality Monitoring Station

      GRI-IATQ is a new air quality online multi-parameter monitoring system produced by our company. It mainly monitors various parameters such as PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, O3, TVOC, temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction, noise and atmospheric pressure.Optional outdoor LED screen, real...

      24 hours online professional service

      Submit requirements and quickly recommend suitable products for you

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